Blockchain Technology Free
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Free
Finance Free
The New Finance Initiative Free
Publications Paid
Blockchain Fundamentals
Blockchain Fundamentals
Blockchain technology is an innovation that brings forward new capabilities to digital infrastructure in the global economy and this 10 page consultation paper brings the reader a high level overview of the fundamentals of blockchain and gives an understanding of comprehension towards gaining sufficient knowledge to entry level information on the based properties of blockchain technologies core primitives, functionalities and objective design choices.
Decentralised Economics
Decentralised Economics
Decentralised economics is a light 2 page primer on the introduction of seeking out new based alternative systematic ways that organising economic acivity can be approached, and aims to provide conversation on the topic of economizing with blockchain technology for the execution of decentralised economic models that are fundamentally ethical and objective by means of servicing individuals and businesses with an approach that enables stakeholder engagement techniques to capitalise economically.
Decentralised Finance (DeFi)
Decentralised Finance (DeFi)
This 4 page document takes at look at exploring decentralised finance (DeFi) from a fundamental perspective that seeks to outline the very importance and foundational property that innovation in finance with blockchain technology and the approach of decentralised finance (DeFi) can provide to the global financial markets. The paper was written with the emphasis of opening conversation towards the application of decentralised finance (DeFi) with the consumption and innovation enabled with blockchain technologies.
Decentralised Governance (DeGov)
Decentralised Governance (DeGov)
This 4 page paper seeks to open up about the ethics of decentralised governance (DeGov) from the use of blockchain technologies and aims to provide the basline for conversation on the topic of decentralised governance (DeGov) that can be enabled with innovation and new technologies. The paper aims to provide a fundamentalist outlook on the future application for Decentralised Governance (DeGov) in the world and opens up about the potential architecture of governance structures that can be supported with the introduction of using blockchain technology for the management of governance practices.
National Blockchains
National Blockchains
This 3 page letter opens up discussion towards the introduction of national blockchains on an industrial scale and provides the baseline for conversation on the topic of industrial scale innovation with blockchain technology. The innovation with blockchain technology can become an unprecedented force within national infrastructure for both financial technologies and organising innovative economic activity. Nationalised blockchain based infrastructure is able to offer economies innovation that can bring industrial scale change to the enabling of economic services and national infrastructure that provides individuals and businesses with ways to consume and execute transactions and validate authentication processes.
What Is CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency
What Is CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency
CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency is a new type of currency that is being researched and preliminarily developed around the globe by central banks that are pursuing currency innovation through the consumption of blockchain technology and this light 2 page consultation provides the all you need to know to get a foundational outlook on the new prospect that is exciting central banks and global financial institutions around the world who are looking at what is dubbed CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency.
Please see X social media platform for more lighter publications and threads that discuss and cover the mission of the New Finance Initiative goals and objectives with innovation and blockchain technologies.